Death and Dying Support Group
There is an old saying that claims “there is nothing more final than death” however, according to most all religious and spiritual views, life continues after death. On the one hand, the passing of a loved one creates a large amount of grief with feelings of loss and abandonment; something definitely feels final. Yet, for those who have experienced deep levels of meditation, prayer and or Near Death Experiences, the actual experience seems to be wondrous and totally freeing from human bondage.
The Death and Dying Support Group is for those who wonder, contemplate and or are experiencing confusion about the dying process, death and or concerning one who have already passed over.
The group also functions as support for those experiencing uncertain times of heart break caused by death. Together we explore the transitioning points of dying and death through open communication, meditations, prayers, the shamanic journey and sacred ritual used around the world to help heal, educate and empower ourselves. We cast a gaze into the spiritual ways of life from time immemorial to help get a clear perspective and internal knowing on death so it does not rob us of life.
Please contact us if you are interested, email: Phone 860 552-9095